Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Twitter: Features and Functionality

Do you have New Twitter?  I don't, but I can't wait to get my hands on it! So what is it? Twitter says that they've learned that "life doesn't always fit into 140 characters or less" – so they're rolling out new features.

Here they are:

  • Site restructure.

    On the left hand side of the screen: Find @mentions, retweets, searches, and lists just above your timeline – creating a single, streamlined view on the left of the screen.
    On the right hand side of the screen: See the features you're familiar with, including whom you recently followed and who recently followed you, favorites, and Trending Topics. You can also see embedded photos and videos directly on Twitter (from partners like YouTube, Etsy, Flickr, TwitPic, USTREAM, and more).

  • Related content.
    When you click a Tweet, the details pane will display additional information related to the author or subject. Depending on the Tweet's content, you may see: @replies, other Tweets by that same user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and more.

  • Mini profiles.
    When you click a @username you'll now view a mini profile without navigating from your current page.

If you're like me (and not a New Twitter user yet) don't fret. It seems they're taking a couple weeks to roll out the changes.

Until then, they've put together a video to entertain us!



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