- Indian Library Softwares:
Libra 2000
Library Manager
Rovan LMS
SLIM (System for Library Information and Management)
SOUL (Software for University Libraries)
SWIRL [Software for Information Retrieval] [Cataloguing]
- International Library Software:-
ADLIB Library for Windows
Most of the library functions can be carried out using this integrated software. Web interface of catalogue is also possible. Demo is available for download.
Alice library automation software
Book Librarian for Windows.This software is useful for small school, club or corporate libraries. Catalogue of books and circulation services can be undertaken by using this software.
CDS/ISIS software
This software is use for creating records maintaining a bibligraphical list of documents. It has no facility of ciculation of documents.
Endeavor Voyager
It is based on ORACLE RDBMS. Most of the library functions including web interface of library catalogue can be undertaken.
EOS Library Systems
Available in two series viz. Q-Series for large libraries and GLASS for medium sized libraries. Both run on Windows Platform.
Keystone Library Automation System 6.1
At present only circulation, cataloguing, patron service, OPAC and scheduling and media booking modules are available.
Innovative Interfaces Millenium
Millennium is Innovative's next-generation automated library system. It is a Web-based, open-platform system that offers the best and most complete functionality of any library automation software. The Java™ interface offers staff and patrons an intuitive, easy-to-use, and platform-independent system.
Micro Librarian Systems
Available in two types viz. Eclipse and Jr. Librarian.
MINISIS is a multi-platform object-oriented relational database management tool. It has been developed, distributed, and supported since 1975 by The International Development Research Centre.
It is an ORACLE based integrated library management system. Most of the library operations can be carried by using this software.
Sagebrush Library Automation systems
Sagebrush offers three top automation systems viz. Accent, Athena and Winnebago Spectrum for integrating information management, catalog searching, and Internet access for libraries of every type and size.
SIRS Mandarin M3
The modules available with this software are OPAC, Circulation, Reports and Statistics and Cataloging.
SIRSI Integrated Library Management System
Most of the house keeping operations of library can be undertaken. Different versions are available depending upon type of library viz. Public, Special, Academic etc. Web interface is availabe with Z39.50 technology.
STAR/Libraries is a multi-purpose system for automating libraries and information centers.
Surpass Integrated Library Management System
Surpass is an automation solution for primary and secondary school districts as well as for public, college, corporate, and other specialty libraries. Trial version is available for download.
TLC Integrated Library Systems
URICA Version 7
It is possible to carry out all the functions of library in a integrated manner. Web interface of library catalogue is also possible.
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